align these superhero needs some"push" , needs one " reason"。
雖然有人認為前面說故事說得太落落長,機八的互動與對話才能充份顯示superhero 就是有自己的attitude&personality, but with noble belief, 他們願意放下成見相互合作,也才能表達出tooth to tooth, eyes to eyes 的"Avenger"精神。所以獨眼龍神盾局局長果然是最大的詐包,用菲爾的美國隊長集點卡動之以情,然後很無耐地說 "sometimes they need some push..."人類果然還是最奸詐的。
Let's do a headcount: Your brother, the demigod; a super-soldier, a living legend who actually lives up to the legend; a man with breathtaking anger management issues; a couple of master assassins; and you've managed to piss off every single one of us. Loki: That was the plan.
"There is no throne, there is no version of this where you come out on top! Maybe your army will come, maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you! Becase if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn sure we'll avenge it"
1. 所謂App以後可以當西瓜的輔助教具,這些都可以找實體取代而且如果用心一點還可以自己製作。例如說你下載了很多的圖畫書,但是重點是要陪他讀,easily gotten digital context is lack of the process. 你少了背西瓜上去天母圖書館時西瓜沿路可以看到的小鳥與小狗、少了在圖書館walking時看到五花八門的選擇挑書的過程、回來翻不同材質書的觸感,例如說知識性的學習,不管是語言或數字,透過老唄老木的互動教學都是比教具重要。
雖不完全如mobile01上說的,apple fan and anti-apple fan不一樣的地方是apple fan 只要找到一個可以買的理由,就會說服自己買,anti-apple fan只要挑出一個缺點就會說不值得買。
但是很明顯的從iphone 3S就止住的我,除了生活形態的改變,mobil intensity 不再之外,很大一部份的原因是3G很不穩的中華電信與apple聯手,以軟體逼硬體,os upgrade needs to comany with new tech gadge, 不然就是牛步的廢機一隻,一個月照收你13XX, 這點感覺讓舊機老人不是很舒服。
1. For reading, because kindle is not suitable for Asia users. Istand information acess and upload, 啊就文盲了讀什麼讀,完全沒有資訊爆炸焦慮症的需求。
2. Play new app, 知道人們新的需求到了哪個地步,不過通常都只會拿到玩game跟上fb。
例如,我要幹一件大事。例如創業前的資料整理與聯絡,具有highly mobil intensity and istand information acess and upload demand; 我要巡迴演講或是全國講課,所以在資訊的整合與應用上有極高的強度,如果得過且過的盲爺這樣說,這…一聽就知道是詐騙集團來著的。