糾竟,遇到是非評斷的抱怨,我們應該多有感覺? 我們應該涉入多深? 我們應該多有同理?
-This is political issue but not policy issue. What is political issue? What is policy issue?
以前老師告訴我們,不是所以有問題都是要問問題,有的問題有ultimated goal,有的問題是假問題,有的問題是要問想法,有的問題是要ideological field,無解。
很明顯地,例如統獨就是 political issue,對各自的方地饅頭人(Fundimentalism),後面有非是即非的二分價值判斷;例如蓋核四,表相是policy issue,你可以列出建與不建各自的優缺,最後列入agenda, 但是往往沒這麼簡單,尤其這是有政治正確的ideology.
往往我都很單純以為issue is only policy issue, 以我史巴克冷靜理性的頭腦提出efficiency and practical的解決方案。
What's the problem it is? man? If it is a REAL problem, why not figure out a good way to solve it?
盲爺一句 "That's because it is political issue."(他沒有這麼有學問,他說你喜歡這個人的話,his fart smells so good;你討厭這個人的話,他做什麼都不對)
In my idea, talking is 弱者的行為,遇到了問題就要像打怪一樣,一個一個打爆它,就像nasty bug一樣, 史萊姆來一個一個debug.
尤其是The problem is I don't care what you are caring about. I hasn't been involving what you were been tangling in.
(請試想Thor 被Tony 打飛的時候,Loki在旁邊風涼地說" I am listening...")
但如果這人身人是耳屎羅木蘭星的king、如果這人本身不愛被火星人交配,又為什麼一定要打掃? 連旁邊的瓦肯星人也巨猩喬揚(jo-yang遭秧)。
Itch is my business, 就說是不求人了,我自己也有一把,but the way you do make me ouch..
Why I have to waste my precious time to listen to your nonsense complaints?
I am just doing historical research from your behavior, I am just picturing what you are from what you said.
and I will keep in mind, what mistake/error not to make, what attitude should be, how to evaluate the matters.
你有看過鋼鐵人史塔克為了掏耳棒、不求人還是指甲剪奮戰嗎? 拯救世界都來不及了哩我。