<關於David Fincher>---Fight Club/Se7en/Benjemin Button/Panic room
若有感覺David的過去作品的影子的部份,前面Mark跟女友鬼打牆的對話 -像很鬥陣裡面Brad Bitt&Edward Norton裡的對話,把不同邏輯的人的對話剪在一起。以及整部片MV的節奏、張力、音樂、倒敘穿插的說故事方式、直指人性、以及回想起來很多句可以咀嚼的台詞…。
<關於betray friend>--You don’t get to 500 Million Friends without making a few enemies
我相當懷疑從頭到尾是有沒有要闡述這個主題,從頭到尾,所謂的朋友是什麼?at the bad moment 相互取暖?at the right moment to achieve you?
沒了Mark, 當然絕對不會有FB
沒了 Eduardo, 還是會有FB,maybe 也會有其他的金援,如果照編劇的設定Mark, he only used Eduardo.
沒了Sean, 早已有FB,但會不會這麼大、這麼值錢?
沒了girl friend broke up, 還是會有FB,因為性格會決定命運,今天Mark 的自尊不被分手這件事挑起,也會被別的事情挑起。
其實Sean Parker and Mark 互為表裡,actually they are same people, 由Sean口中說出" I am the damn CEO, Beach", 代表了Mark 的既存的權力階級的mock,不然不會在Sean的表演秀裡如痴如醉,不然不會awesome 這句:You know what's cooler than a million dollars? A billion dollars。
於是我根本懷疑Sean 是故意帶這個Victory's secret 的小妞來說這個故事的。
Sean Parker: A Stanford MBA named Roy Raymond wants to buy his wife some lingerie but he's too embarrassed to shop for it at a department store. He comes up with an idea for a high end place that doesn't make you feel like a pervert. He gets a $40,000 bank loan, borrows another $40,000 from his in-laws, opens a store, and calls it Victoria's Secret. Makes a half million dollars his first year. He starts a catalog, opens three more stores and after five years he sells the company to Leslie Wexner and the Limited for four million dollars. Happy ending, right? Except two years later, the company's worth 500 million dollars and Roy Raymond jumps off the Golden Gate Bridge. Poor guy just wanted to buy his wife a pair of thigh highs.
<關於Fuck damn, Bitch CEO的教戰守則>
1.Anytime concentrate on and cast yourself and your team in your work
2. Determine on which is important - like ignore the suing of Winklevoss Bros even not mention to your CFO.
3. 左邊或右邊-一如Mark一開始的facemash一樣,點下去全憑權力動物的直覺,Stragegy 往左還是往右,at Harvard or Californa, choose Eduardo or Sean, 只消一秒click的時間。
4. 斷尾求生-when Sean Parker was caught had a drug party, Eduardo freezed the account.
一開始從只是被心愛女友拋棄,you are not a nerd, you are an asshole,自尊受損而放縱幼稚行為的小可憐,其實幹番大事業後還是想要女友回頭,最後律師甚至補上了一句,you are not an asshole, you are trying so hard to be, 從性格上的缺陷解構Mark,使人產生油然的母性同情。
訴訟中不斷用一些Mark 哀傷看著Eduardo的眼神、Eduardo 像失寵的小孩的畫面來緩和,例如稀釋了股權之後,又Sean說你不用做得這麼絕,不斷在說明,I am forced to be today, 最後甚至在page 中掛回他的co-founder。
但是對於Winklevoss Bros他又可以毫不留情面地點出與攻擊(from IMDB Quote)
Marylin Delpy: You must really hate the Winklevosses.
Mark Zuckerberg: I don't hate anybody. The "Winklevii" aren't suing me for intellectual property theft. They're suing me because for the first time in their lives, things didn't go exactly the way they were supposed to for them.
Gage: Okay - no. You don't think I deserve your attention.
Mark Zuckerberg: I think if your clients want to sit on my shoulders and call themselves tall, they have the right to give it a try - but there's no requirement that I enjoy sitting here listening to people lie. You have part of my attention - you have the minimum amount. The rest of my attention is back at the offices of Facebook, where my colleagues and I are doing things that no one in this room, including and especially your clients, are intellectually or creatively capable of doing.
至於Mark 這個爭議性角色,就留給各家各戴其主吧!