今天的公播是大家耳熟能詳的Singing in the Rain(1952),但沒看過這部片的電影。(* 中文翻「萬花嬉春」是什麼鬼?)
先看一下youtube 上這個經典老場景:
I’m singing in the rain. Gene Kelly
I'm singing in the rain
Just singing in the rain
What a glorious feelin'
I'm happy again
I'm laughing at clouds
So dark up above
The sun's in my heart
And I'm ready for love
Let the stormy clouds chase
Everyone from the place
Come on with the rain
I've a smile on my face
I walk down the lane
With a happy refrain
Just singin',
Singin' in the rain
Dancin' in the rain
Dee-ah dee-ah dee-ah
Dee-ah dee-ah dee-ah
I'm happy again!
I'm singin' and dancin' in the rain!
I'm dancin' and singin' in the rain...
Why am I smiling
And why do I sing?
Why does September
Seem sunny as spring?
Why do I get up
Each morning and start?
Happy and head up
With joy in my heart
Why is each new task
A trifle to do?
Because I am living
A life full of you.
老師在解釋這段時,有提到「鏡頭運動」,水是流動的、音樂是流動的、舞蹈是流動的、鏡頭也有跟著zoom in/out and moving, 所以整體才會呈現一種渾然天成的流暢感→我的婚紗就是要這種流動感的感覺啊,如果每個攝影師跟他講就是要什麼什麼的什麼場景,他都可以一下就理解就好了。
Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously. Moses he knowses his toeses aren't roses as Moses supposes his toeses to be.
歌舞片的精神就是歌與舞,現在看到的歌舞片,Moulin Rough, Chicago, Mamamia, ,充滿更華麗的舞臺與戲劇張力,以各種題材都可以發展為歌舞片,(I asked a question what are the difference between the old age singing and dancing movies and that in modern, the most difference is source material), 想想當時默片要走到有聲片時代(Warner Brother kick off),有這樣一部微縮當時時代的電影,以Gene Kelly and his brother Donald O'Connor雜耍出身,融合Variety show, opera, step dance, rhythm, 各種performing 的近乎神乎奇技,不得不嘆:
經典之所以為經典,自然是有一番道理。(* 但中文翻「萬花嬉春」是什麼鬼?)
今天一整個是復古懷舊風,ida 蠢蛋,來了也不進來聽singing in the rain, only crying outside fence,只因為沒有我的手機(就勇敢地走進來就好了啊),下午到華山看展隨便亂逛-1914connection 、銘傳(情色安全帽不錯)、大同畢業展(人機互動區有意思),傍晚有三個露天表演團-鬼太郎(因為頭髮遮半邊,其實他叫王舜)、男子漢、火箭人。鬼太郎策略聰明,先演唱radiohead, oasis 等brit-pop的經典名曲引起注意後,再發表自己的創作歌曲,輪到唱自唱曲時又搖身變青峰;男人幫也很不錯,saxophone徐徐晚風的傍晚,配上更老的60年UFO等名曲與臺語演歌(啊,這對我來說辨識度太低),舒服而傭懶,說到男人幫,你也顧好你的外資一下吧,明明就要去德國硬要說去法蘭克福轉機省錢,唉約,害羞個什麼勁啊~