


假設money=affection, 如果company=the two’s world


How to make a company sustained?

How to make a big buck for the company?



1.      Motivation:
Why do you set the company? (the reason that the two get together)

2.      Goal:
What’s the common goal of the company? (the common future of the two)

3.      Business:
What does the company sell?(activities done together, topics talked together, hobbies shared together)

4.      Tactics:
How to sell the product and do the business?(set up activity, topic, hobby, goal, plan and so on)

5.      Maintenance:
How to set up good credit and networks and improve the procedure? (establishing the two’s empire)

6.      Crisis-dealing
the cause of the crisis may due to product defect, the recession, and share and profit dispute (the reason of quarrel); the way of crisis-dealing(quarrel-solving)



1.      Investing on him/her.

2.      Investing on his/her colleagues, friends and family.

3.      investing on oneself



1.      Two shareholders are not always with 50/50 fair shares.

2.      Two shareholders dispute the 股份大小with each other, at last, they are all losers.

3.      Either of the shareholders financing with other company abnormally, 可能會被禿鷹放空。


這份財務報表也可以量化來處理,先定義各項行為的積分,藉以幫助他人來評估一段感情之可不可行。但是就像大多數的分析師與投資人一樣,即使數據與事實擺在眼前,兩個人好時,總是風險趨避(risk adverse), 也是就股市熱絡時,歐巴桑報明牌都會賺錢;兩個人已經不好時,總是風險愛好(risk-taking),也就是虧到貼壁紙了還不放手。



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