Hands can become bigger when you take care of more and more things and step towards to your dream--taken at tomb cleaning 3.30.2008
“I really am inspired to do music.... but I have so many things that i want to do and I am so stressed and overworked right now with just Fun Taiwan filming!!! So, I think I need to focus on one thing at a time... it's great to have goals and dreams... but don't get so caught up in your dreams that you forget to take care of what you have in your hands right now... so that's what i'm trying to do right now... I can stay inspired, but focus on today, focus on now....” http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!BawQpT2XQER567sM6iEFsFQ-/article?mid=7332
Every time, when seeing the inspiring words, gap year, grand tour, keep walking which always triggered some kinds of emotion and more …
But as Janet said, I can stay inspired, but focus on today, focus on now
Yes, it is. If it were not now, I could not learn photographing and more
Yes, it is. If it were not now, I would not have the title and gain wow
Yes, it is. If it were not now, I never have ease to hang around
Dreams are too much, hands are too small… take care of what you have in hands, with a correct attitude to your life One day, the dream you had in your childhood will come true.