7/24, 7/30, 8/1連三天下午與晚上,參加了大德公司辦的英文簡報課程(還是上班時間去的,一整個欠揍),為了廣大(其實只有一些親朋好友)也常苦於英文簡報,所以我把這幾天浪費資源的心得集結如下,希望以後需要英文簡報的人都用得上,重點就是初學者把藍色地方套模板背起來套自己需要的內容就ok了。

<Report of the English presentation on 7/24,7/30,8/1>

*E.G.mared in blue為vedio講稿內容 草稿 (至於vedio在哪裡,a…因為我要睡覺了,明天在研究怎麼上傳,好難哦~)

CH1. Objectives and Goals

1. What do you find the most challenging about giving presentations?

2. What do you most enjoy about giving presentations?

CH2. Types of Presentations.

What kind of presentation you want to give?

1. Informative

2. Instructional

3. Motivational

4. Persuasive

5. Decision-making

CH3. Key Elements of a Successful Presentation

1. Know your purpose

2. Know your audience

3. Know your subject

CH4. Consistency of the Presentation

1. Introduction

2. Purpose

3. Summary

4. The body

5. The conclusion


CH5. Introducing Yourself

1. Greeting

2. Name

3. In charge/position

4. Department

5. Hook*(option, use humorous anecdote, fact or statistic to garb attention)

e.g. Hello everyone. Good afternoon. My name is Sophia. I am the assistant manager in NB5 Sales Department. Thank you for coming today.

CH6. Stating Your Purpose

1. We need some words to let your audience know your purpose of this presentation at the beginning of the body in a clear and concise manner.

2. Choose the right verb or verbal phrase to use: show, talk, tell, make, outline, give, fill, put, highlight

Pattern: the purpose of my presentation is to +Verb+ Who + What…

e.g. The purpose of my presentation is to report to the responsible person the last week AR status

CH7. Outline the Main Ideas

1. Outline: what is the outline of the presentation

2. Length: how long will the presentation

3. Questions: invite questions at the middle of at the end of the presentation.

Patter1: My presentation will be in three sections, Firstly, I’d like to…Secondly, I will…and thirdly, I want to…

Patter2: My presentation should take around 10 minutes.

Patter3: If you have any questions, please feel free to ask at the end of the presentation.

e.g. My presentation will be in three sections, firstly, I’d like to show you overall and breakdown AR status. Secondly, I will highlight the overdue AR and pending issues. Thirdly, I want to find out long term and short term solutions. My presentation should take around 10 minutes. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask at the end of the presentation.

CH7. The Body

1. Follow the outline and each main idea could be two or three points to support it

e. g.

Main idea1: I’d like to show you the overall and breakdown AR status

Supporting point1: view overall AR figures and status

Supporting point2: view each account figures and status

Main idea2: I will highlight the overdue AR and the pending issues

Supporting point1: overdue AR of the 3 accounts

Supporting point2: the pending issues

Main idea3: I will find out the solutions

Supporting point1: solution in short term

Supporting point2: solution in long term

2. Content


Let’s start by looking at section 1. In the table, you can see overall and breakdown AR status, you can view the figures each sites and we can find three accounts are with overdue payment. That completes my first point. So let’s start section 2

The three issues are highlighted as followings. First, A company was in bankruptcy, that caused the main open AR. Second, B company was requesting sales return of the defective and pending the payment. Third, C company claimed goods receiving issue. That wraps up my second point. So now we come to the third section. There will be two stages of the solutions. We are taking immediate actions and we are going to propose permanent defense. Immediate remedy

For A company’s bankruptcy, now we are claiming via insurance company.

For B company’s sales return, we are processing sales return and are going to be net with open AR. For C company’s goods receive issue, we are checking with logistic forwarder. The permanent defense is to prevent the unexpected bankruptcy, we are going to thoroughly investigate on the new channel& raise higher credit limit. To decrease the defective rate, we would like to review the production flow. In case any default payment, we are going to consider to hold Account Payable or hold shipment if necessary.

CH8. Signposting Language

1 Signposts are terms used throughout the presentation

2. Simply let your audience knows both where you are in the presentation and where you are going

3. Signposts: to move on, to return to, to summarize, to expand on, to recap, to digress

4. Additional linking and signposting vocabulary

a. Ending the introduction: That’s all for the introduction

b. Beginning of the body: Let’s start by looking at…

c. Beginning a new part(in the body): so we come to(second section, third section)

d. Ending a part: That completes my first part/section/point.

e. Sequencing: There are number steps/stage involved, first/then/next/after t hat/last…

CH9. Conclusion

There shall be no new information in the conclusion and conclusion should be spited into two parts. One part is review; another is to tell your audience what you want them to do

1. A signpost to the end(that your body is finished)

2. A summary or recap(of main points or ideas)

3. A conclusion(with action item)

4. A recommendation-what you want your audience to do

5. A closing statement

6. An invitation for questions

e.g. In conclusion, let me sum up. We talked about the overall and breakdown AR in the first section, we highlighted the issues, bankruptcy, sales return and goods receive in second section and then we propose the long term and short term solutions in the third section. Obviously, it is important in the third part. What I want my audience to do next to cooperate me with me. I will select the responsible leaders including business analysis team, Production manage center and logistic operation team, and have further meeting and email to you the meeting minutes for the practical steps of actions we need to take later. That concludes all of my presentation. Thanks for your attention. Do you have any questions?

CH10. Q&A

1. How you handle the questions can make a difference in how your message is received. You don’t need to answer all questions. The point is what you take care of the questioners.

2. Flow: Ask for question/Understand question/what kind of question

3. Question category:

a. Q: Supporting questions; A: That’s a very good point…

b. Q: Difficult questions; A: I wish I know the answer to that question.

c. Q: Repetitive questions; A: Well, as I mentioned earlier…

d. Q: Outside or irrelevant questions; A: I think that falls outside the scope of the discussion, but I’d be happy to discuss it with you during lunch..

CH11. Body Language

Body language’s do’s

1. Eye contact: Look people in the eye

2. Facial expressions: Smile

3. Hands: Use controlled hand gestures

4. Movement: Move around the space

5. Posture: Stand tall and have good posture

6. Voice: Speak in appropriate volume

*No matter what kind of physical expression, you need to be aware of what you are doing. That will help you to overcome the nervous.

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