








Cicilia’s words.

-“You idiot... You realize that's probably the most valuable thing we own?

“Don't know how I could've been so ignorant about myself... so... so stupid. And you know what I'm talking about, don't you? You knew before I did.”

-"Anatomical"? (Why used this word?)

Come back. Come back to me.” (What a simple words but for a man in war, what a crucial words.)

Robbie’s words

“I am still the one well dressed, look forward to seeing you, 還是很上進要去念醫學院,對人生充滿希望之類的....if all we have rests in a few moments in a library there and a half years ago, then I don't know... “



 -      Sister Drummond :“Now go and wash the blood of your face.”(at this moment, did she relieve her pain? I think sort of….)

-      Briony - 18 years old: “There is no Briony.”(Once she made this mistake, I think there is no Briony anymore)

-    The rape: Bite it... You've got to bite it..(chewing happiness chocolate bar …haha…This is with sexual hint?)

-          Older Briony: So, my sister and Robbie were never able to have the time together they both so longed for... and deserved. Which ever since I've... ever since I've always felt I prevented. But what sense of hope or satisfaction could a reader derive from an ending like that? So in the book, I wanted to give Robbie and Cecilia what they lost out on in life. I'd like to think this isn't weakness or... evasion... but a final act of kindness. I gave them their happiness.(who think who you are...the interview for her last book)

All are from here: http://imdb.com/title/tt0783233/quotes


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