「I learned a good lesson from my producer today. he told me that if i ever decide to do something、i should do it.... WITH COMPLETE CONFIDENCE.
he said that he believes in me and so i should to. whether it is talking to a group of students、or hosting Fun Taiwan、or performing the violin、or even just walking down the street to buy a drink... i should always be confident of who I am.
we are all unique people and we all have our different strengths and qualities. And we should be aware of our unique characteristics and be confident of ourselves.
i'm not saying that we should be arrogant、stuck up、or conceited in any way.... but we do need to know who WE ARE、be proud of that、and be unique. be ourselves.
From now on、i'm going to try not to care so much about being "perfect" all the time.
I will just try and be the best "JANET" that i can be. and sometimes、that "Janet" makes mistakes、doesn't know the answer、or is just a silly goofball. ;)
So、remember、be yourself. love yourself. be confident. you are special. :):)」
我知道,我永遠不會有土耳其藍的比基尼下的slim and sexy。
我可以fit and healthy